February ’19

The shortest month of the year and the emotions aren't slowing down anytime soon. This is the first time the start of a year has really punch me in the face and heart. Through grief, sadness, confusion and disbelief the past two months haven’t been easy but you know what, the upside is that I'm able to learn how to feel and deal with these emotions. I'm able to accept the help and care from others which honestly before I wouldn't accept, because I felt shame from feeling weak that I couldn't take care of myself, by myself. But in order to be better I have to accept and be open to the help from others. It's a step forward on being vulnerable.

On a lighter note, my love for fermentation is coming to a new level. I bought The Art of Fermentation and it’s a dream! The fermented potatoes are definitely a winner for this month’s experiments. I've bookmarked so many pages with new experiments to try. In March I’m going to have a go at kimchi and kombucha scoby candy! 

I also started using Alexis Smart’s Flower Remedies to work along side all the work I’m doing with To Be Magnetic. I purchased Beauty Formula No.7 Gamine, In Love and Ganesh. I've started with Beauty Formula No.7 Gamine which is for charm and beauty. Since I've started using I received so many compliments on my skin, it has this radiance that it’s never had before. So far I'm loving it. I'll do a separate post on my experience after I've finished all three bottles. 

How did February treat you? What did you learn?


Banana Bread Protein Balls


Crispy Chicken Thighs