Lien Nguyen Ceramics

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January '19

January felt like it just flew passed. I spent the month reflecting on my intentions and I picked out four areas that would be my main intentions for 2019:


  • Appreciate myself —self care, be kind to myself

  • Invest only in friendships that invest back —don’t be such a yes girl, red flags are red flags for a reason

  • Be open to and invite in new relationships


  • Don’t be such a people pleaser —if your gut says no, it’s a no!

  • Boundaries create freedom


  • Put more money into my Fuck You Fund, $3000 —don’t spend mindlessly


  • Buy a kiln

  • Be at one market this year

In other news, I found out that I have gout in my hand, most likely triggered by the oysters and prawns I ate during the Christmas period. I’ve spent the whole month recovering from it. I thought it was all healed, so I started throwing on my pottery wheel. That did not end well. My finger was aggravated again. Gout in my hand is not ideal but that’s what happening to my body right now, so I just have to work with it. I’ve cut out anything in my diet that will trigger the gout and will slowly introduce them back one by one to see what does and doesn’t affect me.

After quitting kickboxing, I’ve started to workout at home. 2-3 session of HIIT and strength training 4-5 times a week. I’m pretty excited about my new workout routine and I’m surprised at how motivated I actually am to get it done.

What are your intentions for 2019?

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